Minecraft News

Scrolls Celebration Cape!

To celebrate the release of Scrolls 1.0, everybody will sport the amazing Scrolls-themed cape in Minecraft for a short while! :) This is a temporary event that starts today (Thursday) and runs for 48 hours.

Scrolls is our second major game, get more info and try the demo here: https://www.scrolls.com/demo


(You can disable the cape in Options->Skin Preferences if you need to.)

Minecraft 1.8.1

We have released a new version of Minecraft, 1.8.1, which brings a bunch of new optimizations and bug fixes. It’s 100% compatible with 1.8, and comes with extra hugs.

Hi / Bonjour / Ciao / ¡Hola / Cześć / Привет / こんにちは / 안녕하세요!

Thanks for playing Minecraft. To keep up to date with development, please check Mojang.com. For more on Minecraft Realms - our easy to use, paid service that let’s you set up a persistent Minecraft world for you and your friends - please check minecraft.net/realms. Have a nice day!

Bonjour! Merci de jouer à Minecraft. Pour vous tenir informé sur le développement du jeu, veuillez visiter Mojang.com. Pour en savoir davantage sur Minecraft Realms, notre service à utilisation facile qui vous permet de créer un monde persistant pour vous et vos amis, veuillez visiter minecraft.net/realms. Passez une bonne journée !

Ciao! Grazie per giocare a Minecraft. Per essere sempre aggiornato sullo sviluppo del gioco, dai un’occhiata a Mojang.com. Per maggiori informazioni su Minecraft Realms (il servizio a pagamento per creare facilmente un mondo di Minecraft persistente per te e i tuoi amici) visita minecraft.net/realms. Buona giornata!

Hi! Danke, dass du Minecraft spielst! Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, was die Entwicklung angeht, besuche bitte Mojang.com. Für weitere Informationen zu Minecraft Realms – unserem unkomplizierten, kostenpflichtigen Service, der den Aufbau einer beständigen Minecraft-Welt für dich und deine Freunde ermöglicht – besuche bitte minecraft.net/realms. Wir wünschen einen schönen Tag!

¡Hola! Gracias por jugar a Minecraft. Para conocer las últimas noticias sobre el desarrollo, visita Mojang.com. Visita minecraft.net/realms para ver más información sobre Minecraft Realms, nuestro intuitivo servicio de pago que te permite crear un mundo de Minecraft persistente para ti y para tus amigos. ¡Que tengas un buen día!

Cześć! Dziękujemy za grę w Minecrafta. Aby być na bieżąco z najnowszymi wiadomościami, odwiedź stronę Mojang.com. Więcej informacji na temat Minecraft Realms - naszej prostej w użytku płatnej usługi umożliwiającej tworzenie serwerów gry Minecraft dla siebie i znajomych - znajdziesz na stronie minecraft.net/realms. Miłego dnia!

Привет! Спасибо, что играешь в Minecraft. Чтобы быть в курсе всех новостей, посети Mojang.com. Чтобы узнать подробней о Minecraft Realms — нашей удобной платной услуге, с помощью которой ты сможешь создать стойкий и долговечный мир Minecraft для себя и для своих друзей, — посети minecraft.net/realms. Удачи!

こんにちは! Minecraftをプレイいただき、ありがとうございます。 開発状況のチェックはこのウェブサイトをチェックしてください: Mojang.com. Minecraft Realmsについての追加情報。友達と自分のためにMinecraftのワールドを持続的にセットアップできる有料サービスがご利用できます。詳細は以下でご覧ください: minecraft.net/realms それでは、良い一日を!

안녕하세요! Minecraft를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다. Mojang.com을 방문하시면 게임 개발 관련 최신 소식을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 여러분과 여러분의 친구들이 Minecraft 세계를 상시 구축할 수 있는 간편한 유료 서비스인 Minecraft Realms에 대한 자세한 내용은 minecraft.net/realms에서 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 좋은 하루 보내세요!

Minecraft 1.8 - The Bountiful Update

+ Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone blocks, with smooth versions
+ Added Slime Block
+ Added Iron Trapdoor
+ Added Prismarine and Sea Lantern blocks
+ Added the Ocean Monument
+ Added Red Sandstone
+ Added Banners
+ Added Armor Stands
+ Added Coarse Dirt (dirt where grass won’t grow)
+ Added Guardian mobs, with item drops
+ Added Endermite mob
+ Added Rabbits, with item drops
+ Added Mutton and Cooked Mutton
+ Villagers will harvest crops and plant new ones
+ Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Bricks are now craftable
+ Chiseled Stone Bricks are now craftable
+ Doors and fences now come in all wood type variants
+ Sponge block has regained its water-absorbing ability and becomes wet
+ Added a spectator game mode (game mode 3)
+ Added one new achievement
+ Added “Customized” world type
+ Added hidden “Debug Mode” world type
+ Worlds can now have a world barrier
+ Added @e target selector for Command Blocks
+ Added /blockdata command
+ Added /clone command
+ Added /execute command
+ Added /fill command
+ Added /particle command
+ Added /testforblocks command
+ Added /title command
+ Added /trigger command
+ Added /worldborder command
+ Added /stats command
+ Containers can be locked in custom maps by using the “Lock” data tag
+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules
+ Added three new statistics
+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently
+ Added a new player model with smaller arms, and a new player skin called Alex?
+ Added options for configuring what pieces of the skin that are visible
+ Blocks can now have custom visual variations in the resource packs
+ Minecraft Realms now has an activity chart, so you can see who has been online
+ Minecraft Realms now lets you upload your maps
* Difficulty setting is saved per world, and can be locked if wanted
* Enchanting has been redone, now costs lapis lazuli in addition to enchantment levels
* Villager trading has been rebalanced
* Anvil repairing has been rebalanced
* Considerable faster client-side performance
* Max render distance has been increased to 32 chunks (512 blocks)
* Adventure mode now prevents you from destroying blocks, unless your items have the CanDestroy data tag
* Resource packs can now also define the shape of blocks and items, and not just their textures
* Scoreboards have been given a lot of new features
* Tweaked the F3 debug screen
* Block ID numbers (such as 1 for stone), are being replaced by ID names (such as minecraft:stone)
* Server list has been improved
* A few minor changes to village and temple generation
* Mob heads for players now show both skin layers
* Buttons can now be placed on the ceiling
* Lots and lots of other changes
* LOTS AND LOTS of other changes
- Removed Herobrine

Minecraft 1.7.10

+ Added Realms world uploader
+ Added Realms player activity monitor
+ Realms worlds now have more options and settings
* Command blocks in Realms have been re-enabled
* Improvements in Realms UI
* Bugfixing

Realms is available world wide!


We just wanted to let you know that Realms is available world wide for everyone to enjoy now.

You can read more about Realms here minecraft.net/realms

Minecraft 1.7.9

We have pushed out an update that supports name changes, however we will not allow name changes until a future date. For information on how name changes will work, please see these frequently asked questions.

Recent Security Issues

There has recently been a security incident that affected Minecraft (and two thirds of the internet). It is strongly advised that you change your Minecraft/Mojang password. Please see here for more information.

Minecraft Realms Now Available in the UK

… and Ireland and The Netherlands!

This means Minecraft Realms is available in the following countries:

* Denmark
* Finland
* Faroe Islands
* Greenland
* Iceland
* Ireland
* Netherlands
* Norway
* Sweden
* United Kingdom
* Åland

The list will be expanded in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on the Realms team’s twitter accounts for updates: @danfrisk @mamirm @xlson and @jeb_

Not sure what Minecraft Realms is? Read more about it here: https://minecraft.net/realms

Minecraft 1.7.5

* Minecraft Realms adds mini game support
* Several server-side performance improvements and bug fixes
* Preparations to bring Minecraft Realms to more countries!

OLauncher is not affliated with Mojang Studios or Microsoft.